The impact of the labour market on human resource management.

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Human resources are key in making products and services available, as it is the employees who create the sales offers and take care of their implementation. Through their services, they receive a salary that enables them to maintain an adequate standard of living.

Current changes in value and valuation make human labor one of the most important resources in an organization, which also includes land and capital.10 It is these 3 factors of production that “are bought and sold in specific factor markets”. Very important in the economy is the labor market, where human capital, understood as the physical and mental skills of people, which are enriched by knowledge, acquired experience, and possessed skills, plays an important role.

Companies particularly value the possession of human resources, as modern organizations have become knowledge organizations that use the knowledge of their employees. It generates innovative and creative ideas that improve companies’ offers and market positions. The knowledge of the staff is the key to successful customer relations. This results in a positive company image, trust, and profit.

Having qualified and conscientious staff is becoming a goal for every employer, but it must be taken into account that the concern that used to be directed towards employees and the links between them has turned into a desire for information that is quickly processed and transferred. Increasingly, these are at the top of the employer hierarchy.

Aneta Sznicer

Aneta Sznicer

Founder of Mood & Read, HR specialist, copywriter, marketer, and soon to be psychologist. I help people achieve their goals by teaching social skills. Personally, I love playing the piano, dancing and singing. Anything to do with music helps me to find myself in reality. If you listen carefully, you will be able to hear your emotions. If you are able to hear them, you will know yourself even better and stronger. Thank you for visiting my website. It is a pleasure to get to know you.

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