In the previous part of the ‘me and emotion’ series, you were tasked with reflecting on the interviewee’s emotions as well as your own. It was this task that served to introduce this part. Take a look at your previous answers and analyze whether you empathize with the other person’s emotion.
I will help you a little with this analysis. Let’s start with what this empathy is.
Sympathy, otherwise known as empathy, is the phenomenon of understanding another person’s emotion. It is a kind of gift for putting oneself into the skin of another person.
To better understand the phenomenon, read the following description and think about the emotions you experienced while reading. It is best if you write them down on a piece of paper.
Agnes, 25
Lately, I often look at myself in the mirror. I cry every time. I can’t stand the way I look. I used to be a slim, sexy girl, and now… I’ve put on a terrible amount of weight because of my thyroid problems.
Since then I don’t like myself at all, and even worse! I’m disgusted with my body, I feel bad about it. I can’t accept how I look, and when I walk down the street it seems like everyone is looking at me.
I feel eternal shame. I would preferably sit at home and not go out anywhere.
You’re past reading the short monologue. It was not very pleasant, I might say more: perhaps a little demotivating! On a piece of paper, you have written down the emotion you felt when reading Yolanta’s statement. Now think about whether this emotion made you feel better or worse. Do you currently have more thoughts in your head about problems and unpleasant situations, or do you think optimistically?
Now read the second case for comparison.
Agatha, 23
I’m not perfect, anyway, who is? Sometimes I feel better in my body and sometimes worse, but I always appreciate myself and try to accept who I am. Our outward appearance is one thing and our soul is another.
What we have inside is much more important. For me, it’s the most important thing. Both when I choose the people I want to surround myself with and the new employees who are willing to work in my newly opened company.
People are wonderful, and the world is wonderful. You just have to learn to see it and appreciate it! Life is beautiful!
What emotions do you feel after the second description?
Think about it: were the emotions you experienced while reading positive?
Did they give you wings?
Did they give you faith?
It is important to be aware of a very important point that we do not usually think about. What we hear and who we spend time with are very important. Our emotions, thoughts, and attitudes are changeable. If we receive positive thinking and support from our loved ones, we will also pass this on to others. If, on the other hand, we spend a lot of time with depressive, complaining people, this will be passed on to us!
The exercise you have just done largely relates to emotional intelligence. Emotional intelligence is the ability to understand another person’s emotions while controlling and understanding one’s own emotions.
Emotional intelligence can be used in various spheres of life. Whether at home, at work, or social gatherings. An emotionally intelligent person does not act rashly and impulsively.
An emotionally intelligent person can manage and make decisions in the face of heart and reason with harmony. He or she can combine these two areas to maintain a healthy balance.
According to Daniel Goleman, author of the outstanding book ‘Emotional Intelligence. “Emotional Intelligence”, a person’s emotional intelligence consists of:
- self-awareness
- the ability to recognize one’s own emotions
- motivation
- empathy
- social skills
The topic of emotional intelligence is incredibly broad and relevant.
This much knowledge is enough for today!
The final part of the series will be a summary of all the knowledge gained. Here there will be time for more practice. You will do an analysis of your emotions, hour by hour, for one day. You will then see and realize the question at the very beginning of the cycle: do you rule your emotions or do they rule you? You will also have the opportunity to feel like a real actor! First the rehearsals and then the main performance! Are you interested?
To obtain a certificate for the cycle:
- Go to “contact”
- Fill in your contact information.
- In the subject line write “Diploma – Cycle: I take care of my health”. In an attachment, add files or photos of the tasks you have completed – we need to have confirmation that you have completed them to issue the certificate!
- Up to a week, after you send your message, we will email you a certificate of completion of the cycle! 😊